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  • Can I reserve a spot without completing a booking?
    Please note that we often book months in advance, so don't delay! We take reservations on a first booked basis and will not hold any dates.
  • Can I drop by at anytime?
    ALL visits to our home for drop off and pick up of pets must be scheduled ahead of time. Please let us know what time frame you are expecting to arrive when making your reservation. We try our best not to have our visitors greeted by everyone in the household :-) We also prefer not to make our guests uncomfortable while waiting for your arrival.
  • What do I need to provide for my pets stay?
    Enough food for the entire stay. Please secure in a locking container to prevent accidentle snacking. Food bowl. We have extra bowls incase you forget, but we feel betting feeding your pet from the same bowl they use at home. We have plenty of water bowls, so no need to bring that. Feel free to bring bedding for you pup. We will to keep it in one piece and as clean as possible. However, we can't vouch for the other guests :-) We ask that you do NOT bring toys. We don't want anyone getting upset that someone else took their favorite toy away. We also cannot guarantee that they will be returned; the bushes love to eat toys. Collar, Name Tag, and Leash. We like to keep collar's on the pups at all times with their name and rabies tags. If they accidently get out of the house, we would want some sort of identification on your family memeber.
  • What vaccinations does my pet need?
    Please provide a copy of your vets vacination records. We like to look it over to be sure that your pet has been seen by a vet and has been given all the vet recommended vaccinations. We require Rabies and Bortatella immunizations be up-to-date for the pets that are old enough to receive them.
  • What age of pet do you take?
    We take all ages! Some ages may require unique accommodations, but we usually don't mind.
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